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Channel Placement Options

How to customize and optimize content for different channels.

Updated over a week ago

When planning a digital marketing campaign, selecting the right channel placements is crucial to ensuring your content resonates with your audience and meets your marketing objectives. This guide will help you understand the various channel placement options available and how to customize your content for each to maximize impact.

Understanding channel placements

1. In-feed Placements

In-feed placements appear directly within the user's content feed on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. These placements are typically scrolled through quickly, so content needs to be instantly engaging.

Best Practices:

  • Use bold visuals and clear, concise text to grab attention within the first few seconds.

  • Opt for platform-preferred aspect ratios (e.g., 1:1 for Instagram, 4:5 for Facebook) to ensure the content looks native to the feed.

  • Keep messaging short and to the point, focusing on a single call-to-action (CTA).

2. Stories and Vertical Video Placements

Stories and vertical videos on platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok are immersive, full-screen experiences. These placements are highly engaging but also brief, requiring quick, captivating content.

Best Practices:

  • Utilize the entire screen (9:16 ratio) for maximum impact, avoiding any blank spaces.

  • Incorporate movement and transitions to maintain viewer interest.

  • Keep the content concise and fast-paced, as users tend to quickly swipe through stories.

3. Display Ad Placements

Display ads are banner-style placements that appear on websites, apps, and within content networks. These ads need to stand out visually while being integrated into a broader web experience.

Best Practices:

  • Ensure your logo and brand elements are prominently displayed without overwhelming the visual space.

  • Use a compelling headline that conveys your message clearly and quickly.

  • Include a clear and visible CTA button to guide users toward the desired action.

4. Pre-roll and Mid-roll Video Placements

These video ads appear before (pre-roll) or during (mid-roll) video content on platforms like YouTube and various streaming services. Viewers often see them as an interruption, so engaging content is key.

Best Practices:

  • Capture attention within the first 5 seconds to prevent viewers from skipping the ad.

  • Use quality video production to ensure your content stands out.

  • Deliver your key message quickly, focusing on a strong CTA at the end.

5. Search and Shopping Ad Placements

These ads appear within search results or alongside product listings on platforms like Google and Amazon. They are directly linked to user intent, making relevance crucial.

Best Practices:

  • Tailor your content to match the user’s search intent, using keywords and product images that align with common queries.

  • Ensure that product images are clear and accurate, and that the messaging highlights key benefits.

  • Include special offers or unique selling points to differentiate your product from competitors in search results.

Optimizing for multiple placements

To maximize the effectiveness of your content across various placements, we recommend producing a collection of multi-use assets—both photos and videos—that can be easily repurposed and adapted for different channels. This approach allows for greater flexibility and ensures that your content remains impactful, no matter where it’s used.

Key Takeaways

  • Develop core assets that can be customized to fit the specific requirements of each placement without compromising brand consistency.

  • Ensure each asset follows a unified design language, using consistent colour schemes, fonts, and logo placements across all platforms.

  • Create core messaging that can be easily modified to suit the user behavior expected on different platforms, ensuring relevance and engagement.

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